Some accused the station of deliberately setting up the question in collaboration with the ruling coalition.

Some accused the station of deliberately setting up the question in collaboration with the ruling coalition.
Hungary, which has voiced scepticism towards Ukraine’s proposed EU membership, takes over the rotating EU presidency in July.
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Aleks Szczerbiak
The struggles of the healthcare system could undermine the ruling party’s reputation for competence.
Wojciech Kość
A mix of complacency, poor preparation and politics, say experts.
Małgorzata Szuleka
The government’s actions have caused a legal storm throughout the EU.
A large majority are opposed to the constitutional court’s anti-abortion ruling.
Agnieszka Wądołowska
Including lightning bolts, umbrellas and the cryptic ***** ***.
Andrzej Duda says his proposal would implement the court ruling but maintain the essence of the current law.
Education minister also threatens to cut funding for universities supporting protests.
The ruling party leader also called on followers to defend churches.
Tens of thousands have joined the demonstrations.
Luca Aliano
A court ruling that introduces a near total ban on abortion has sparked protests across the country.
The idea of linking EU funds to the rule of law is really a way to “deprive us of our sovereignty”, says Poland’s de facto leader.
Thousands, including leading far-right figures, attended the march.