“This investment represents an enormous vote of confidence in the Polish people,” said Microsoft president Brad Smith.

“This investment represents an enormous vote of confidence in the Polish people,” said Microsoft president Brad Smith.
Aleks Szczerbiak
Although Rafał Trzaskowski’s lead is slipping, he remains the clear favourite.
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Wojciech Kość
Improved infrastructure, nature-based solutions, and better warning systems will all be part of the answer.
“Russia is conducting a form of hybrid warfare against Poland,” says the Polish foreign ministry.
So far this year, there have been almost 28,000 attempted illegal crossings, more than in the whole of 2023.
Milk bars offered affordable food and were once widespread in Poland but have struggled in recent years.
Commentators in Poland and abroad argued that eastern NATO states should have been invited.
The interior minister has accused Kaczyński of seeking to “spread fear”.
Most members of the ruling coalition support the measure but may not be able to secure a parliamentary majority.
Around 2.5 million people lived in extreme poverty in Poland in 2023, up 47% on the previous year.
Daniel Tilles
Poland is already a country of mass immigration, but politicians have been reluctant to acknowledge it.
Four left-wing governnment ministers voiced their dissent to the plans.
Aleks Szczerbiak
The government managed to emerge relatively unscathed politically from its most serious “stress test” yet.
But the interior minister believes the event will eventually still go ahead.