The opposition has called on the UN’s Committee against Torture and Amnesty International to investigate.

The opposition has called on the UN’s Committee against Torture and Amnesty International to investigate.
“This is an unprecedented attack on judicial independence,” says an opposition MP.
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Negotiations with the health ministry have collapsed.
Przemysław Czarnek also called for history lessons to teach “pride” instead of “shame” about Poland’s past.
Mateusz Morawiecki spoke in support of the more progressive tax system the government is planning.
Stanley Bill
A new economic plan reinvigorates the ruling coalition and puts the divided opposition on the back foot.
Civic Platform has seen one senior figure quit this week and two others appeal against their expulsion.
The mare has not been returned to Poland after being leased to Saudi Arabia.
In theory all TV and radio owners should pay a licence fee in Poland, but in practice less than 8% of households do.
Only non-EU countries, such as Russia and Turkey, are lower in the “Rainbow Europe” ranking.
The plan includes more subsidies for parents and support for aspiring homeowners, but also a greater tax burden on higher earners.
The initiative has prompted a backlash from the Catholic church.
The Visegrad countries want to promote family policies at the local, national and EU level.
NIK has already notified prosecutors of potential crimes.