As examples, it lists the alleged mistreatment of prisoners and efforts to expand abortion rights.

As examples, it lists the alleged mistreatment of prisoners and efforts to expand abortion rights.
Ryszard Czarnecki says the case is just “political theatre”.
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“Only the name” of the National Council of the Judiciary remains the same as before.
The Polish Scouting Association last month decided to allow scouts to swear an oath without mentioning God.
Poland also pledged to become an “economic hub for Ukraine”, including by facilitating the export of grain.
Anna Rzhevkina
The new arrivals could provide an economic boost, but their talents should not be wasted.
A recent killing in Warsaw was falsely blamed on Ukrainians, including by Polish far-right groups.
Poland also hopes to begin importing liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Egypt.
“From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for everything you do,” declared Ukraine’s ambassador.
Roman Broszkowski
The left in Europe’s East has split from its Western counterparts.
The opposition argue that the proposed legislation makes only cosmetic changes to the disciplinary system.
But the proportion of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion has been declining in Poland and is among the lowest in the EU.
While private broadcasters were cut off from old receivers, the government requested that TVP be allowed to continue.
“In the last seven years PiS has systematically and deliberately destroyed local government, just like everything that is independent.”