Marcin Romanowski has fled to Hungary, where he was last week granted political asylum.

Marcin Romanowski has fled to Hungary, where he was last week granted political asylum.
Time Out magazine ranked Kraków’s tree ahead of the famous one at the Rockefeller Center in New York.
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“There is no place for any forms of hate speech or violence at the Medical University of Warsaw,” says its rector.
Her detention three years ago prompted protests from fellow journalists and international press organisations.
Under the current government, public media have become a mouthpiece for the ruling party.
He has been detained in a guarded facility and proceedings to extradite him to Norway have been initiated.
“We are here to let Israel know that it will not be alone,” said Marian Turski, a 97-year-old Auschwitz survivor.
The new rules increase the distance between blocks on neighbouring plots and set requirements for playgrounds and green spaces.
It comes after Donald Tusk suggested EU funds could be unlocked even before legislation to restore the rule of law is passed.
The businesses had offered sports equipment rental and an in-store “library” to justify remaining open on Sundays.
It is the first time in nine years that such a discovery has been made
Poland having one of Europe’s lowest fertility rates.
“We have two serious candidates for prime minister,” said Duda, naming Morawiecki and Tusk.
Some banners are being turned into bags while one group wants to send them to Ukraine to help seal soldiers’ dugouts and cover damaged roofs.