He accused Prime Minister Donald Tusk’s government of “causing chaos”, “deepening divisions” and “weakening Polish democracy”.

He accused Prime Minister Donald Tusk’s government of “causing chaos”, “deepening divisions” and “weakening Polish democracy”.
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Coal continues to be the main source of electricity, accounting for almost 57% of Poland’s energy mix, the highest proportion in the EU.
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The parties behind the bill deny that it will allow expropriation of private land to be used for wind farms.
History, Hot news, Law, News, Politics
The former president and Nobel Peace Prize winner calls the claims against him “terrible insults and monstrous lies”.
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PiS accused the opposition of deliberately trying to bring down the value of the state-owned firm.
Restoring funding for IVF was one of the promises made by the incoming ruling coalition.
Tusk responded by dismissing the commission’s findings as a politically motivated attack.
The Grochowskis’ “philanthropic work has had an indelible impact on thousands of refugees”.
It is the first time since Eurostat’s records began that Poland’s savings rate has fallen below zero.
“The aim of the mission is to transfer the experience that Poland has gained” from its own similar crisis on the Belarus border.
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This step comes after last month’s decision by the EC supporting Polish claims against Germany.
Aleks Szczerbiak
Already divided, the left risks being subsumed within a new coalition government.
Poland is set to raise the issue of truckers’ demands in Brussels at EU Transport Council next week.
The new cabinet is expected to last only two weeks at most before the opposition form a permanent government.
Notes from Poland is run by a small editorial team and published by an independent, non-profit foundation that is funded through donations from our readers. We cannot do what we do without your support.
advisory board member
Senior Research Fellow at the Global Europe Centre, University of Kent.
contributing editorial assistant
Weronika Strzyżyńska is currently studying journalism at Goldsmiths as a Scott Trust Bursary recipient. She has written on issues immigration and Brexit for New Statesman and Prospect
managing editor
Agnieszka Wądołowska is managing editor of Notes from Poland. She has previously worked for Gazeta.pl and Tokfm.pl and contributed to Gazeta Wyborcza, Wysokie Obcasy, Duży Format, Midrasz and Kultura Liberalna”
contributing writer
Daniel Tilles is editor-in-chief of Notes from Poland and assistant professor of history at the Pedagogical University of Krakow. He has written on Polish affairs for a wide range of publications, including Foreign Policy, POLITICO Europe, The Independent and Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.
founder, editor-at-large
Stanley Bill is the founder and editor-at-large of Notes from Poland.
He is also Senior Lecturer in Polish Studies and Director of the Polish Studies Programme at the University of Cambridge, where he works on Polish culture, politics and history.
Stanley has spent more than ten years living in Poland, mostly based in Kraków and Bielsko-Biała. He founded Notes from Poland in 2014 as a blog dedicated to personal impressions, cultural analysis and political commentary. He is committed to the promotion of deeper knowledge and understanding of Poland.
He is the Chair of the Board of the Notes from Poland Foundation.
deputy editor
assistant editor
advisory board member
advisory board member
Professor of European Studies at Oxford University
advisory board member
Professor at the Institute of History of the Jagiellonian University
advisory board member
Executive Director of Taube Family Foundation
advisory board member
Associate Professor at the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Science, member of the Polish parliaments
advisory board member