It is the second successive quarter that Poland has recorded the highest annual increase in housing prices in the EU.

It is the second successive quarter that Poland has recorded the highest annual increase in housing prices in the EU.
“TVP journalists naively believed that they could write the truth about Tusk,” wrote an opposition figure.
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Among the 5% of MEPs to vote against the resolution, most were from PiS.
Wojciech Maksymowicz has become the first MP from the United Right to join Szymond Hołownia’s Poland 2050.
Negotiations with the health ministry have collapsed.
They have been transferred to a detention centre outside Minsk and the wife of one says contact has ceased.
Przemysław Czarnek also called for history lessons to teach “pride” instead of “shame” about Poland’s past.
Nikolay Yerofeyev was helped to escape by a co-worker.
Mateusz Morawiecki spoke in support of the more progressive tax system the government is planning.
The wooden house will serve as a meeting place for writers.
Civic Platform has seen one senior figure quit this week and two others appeal against their expulsion.
The Polish-made device has been hailed by President Duda.
The service matches animals needing adoption with prospective owners.
The mare has not been returned to Poland after being leased to Saudi Arabia.