“National security cannot serve as a carte blanche to adopt measures that raise questions of compatibility with human rights standards.”

“National security cannot serve as a carte blanche to adopt measures that raise questions of compatibility with human rights standards.”
The ship contains at least 100 bottles of champagne as well as other types of wine, porcelain and mineral water.
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The date coincides with the end of Poland’s current long-term supply contract with Russia’s Gazprom.
“We must stop aggressive hybrid actions carried out according to a script written in Minsk,” says the PM
Construction of the Solidarity Transport Hub (CPK) will begin in 2023.
An initial exhibition will open this Friday.
The facility will produce potato snacks for export to over 20 European markets.
But some questioned in previous record on LGBT rights.
The group reportedly included a leading figure in an NGO accused by Polish prosecutors of laundering Russian money.
Andrzej Duda expressed Poland’s support for Moldova’s move “towards Europe”.
Local communities in Poland have been gathering donations to help the refugees.
Over 130 Carolingian coins have now been found, but questions remain over how they got there.
The government-funded exhibition features an artist linked to neo-Nazis.
Two leaders of the ethnic Polish community in Belarus have been detained since March, despite not yet facing charges.