The measures were due to go into effect at the start of the new school year next week.

The measures were due to go into effect at the start of the new school year next week.
Poland’s electoral commission has rejected PiS’s financial report after identifying spending irregularities.
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Marcin Czepelak, Poland’s current ambassador to the Netherlands, won a majority of the votes cast.
The interior ministry has previously said it is preparing for up to one million people fleeing potential conflict in Ukraine.
With around 400,000 members at its peak, it is believed to have been the largest underground force in German-occupied Europe.
Sales of the amantadine have boomed during the pandemic despite no evidence that it helps in the treatment of COVID-19.
Police data show there were 1,496 suicide attempts by people aged up to 18 in Poland last year
The radio was used by the underground resistance to listen to foreign broadcasts.
But it will also have the EU’s joint third highest GDP growth, according to new forecasts from the European Commission.
Poland’s deputy commissioner for human rights says the conditions are “unacceptable”.
Poland is the only country categorised as having “exceptionally poor” contraception policies.
The group claims to have thousands of followers and says its faith dates back 500,000 years – that is, before humans existed.
However, the government argues that the project still makes financial sense.
He also argues that the Polish decision is based on a misunderstanding.