Donald Tusk says Warsaw will seek “urgent consultations” with other countries affected by Germany’s decision.

Donald Tusk says Warsaw will seek “urgent consultations” with other countries affected by Germany’s decision.
The head of the commission, however, has dismissed the ruling as having no legal force.
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Air traffic controllers are threatening to leave their jobs at the end of April if their demands on pay and conditions are not met.
“We are helping our neighbours from Ukraine, but they are also helping us by…fighting for our safety and peace,” said the prime minister.
There are only around 110 brown bears in Poland, and park officials hope the cub will find its mother.
The first chapter begins by describing Jews as a “parasitic tribe [that] has nested on our skin, sucks our sweat, our blood, for six centuries”.
The prime minister has pledged that state support will be given to the families of the victims.
For the last four days the numbers crossing from Poland to Ukraine have been higher than those going in the opposite direction.
Poland’s left-wing opposition party has unveiled a new set of policies focused on supporting Ukraine and “de-Putinising Europe”.
The low-cost airline, which is Poland’s biggest carrier, will operate 73 routes, including 10 new ones, from Kraków this summer.
The adverts will be displayed “in many European cities” to “remind Western countries of the atrocities taking place in Ukraine”.
The government estimates that almost two million Ukrainian refugees are currently in Poland.
“Three weeks ago, the musicians were hiding from Russian bombs in shelters.”
Poland has overtaken Portugal on Eurostat’s measure of GDP per capita taking account of purchasing power standards.