It is the first time in almost a century that a new work by Chopin, who died in 1849, has been discovered.

It is the first time in almost a century that a new work by Chopin, who died in 1849, has been discovered.
“The incidents revealed by the commission testify to the deliberate weakening of Poland’s security,” said its head.
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Results would be entered into a national database to help track children’s development and identify sporting talent.
The idea has been criticised by, among others, The Left, which points out that it does not fix the problem of a housing shortage.
“Without a strong left, we will not defeat PiS,” says one of their leaders.
Marcin Oleksy was the first amputee football and first Polish player to be nominated for FIFA’s Puskas Award.
“One of the largest ecological disasters in recent European river history” should be a “wake-up call”.
The initiative also aims to “ensure those responsible [for child abductions] are brought to justice”, says a Polish minister.
Bogdan Dzięcioł is accused of crimes against humanity for his role in sentencing a pilot to death.
Polish media, citing officials, report that the first Polish Leopard tanks are already in Ukraine.
Officials say that the apartments were built as hotel rooms but are being sold on the open market.
Its ethics council is concerned at Orlen’s ownership of dozens of local media outlets.
The Polish team cleared more than 342,000 square metres of land and over 17.5 kilometres of roads.
“These are Ukrainian families who, to a large extent, work today for the Polish GDP, they pay taxes in Poland,” said the Polish deputy interior minister.