Recruits were hired on Telegram and paid to carry out tasks including painting vulgar slogans against the then ruling PiS party.

Recruits were hired on Telegram and paid to carry out tasks including painting vulgar slogans against the then ruling PiS party.
Kaja Godek described homosexuality as a “perversion” that “often goes hand in hand with paedophilia”.
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“Stop speculating in any world capital about a possible defeat of Ukraine,” said the Polish prime minister.
The decision was made in response to rising prices, which have become a major political talking point.
It is likely to have been destroyed and buried by retreating German forces at the end of the war.
Most identified border blockades by Polish farmers and the WWII Volhynia massacres as reasons for disputes between the two nations.
A businessman linked to Viktor Orbán – an ally of Poland’s opposition – is reportedly seeking to buy TVN.
State funding for IVF was restored by the new, more liberal ruling coalition after it came to power at the end of last year.
The Polish consulate in Switzerland issued fake Latin American documents to help recipients survive under German occupation.
The decision was made in retaliation for Poland’s closure of a Russian consulate last month.
Astronaut Sławosz Uznański will become only the second Pole to travel to space and the first in almost 50 years.
The item had lain unidentified for decades in Poznań city hall museum.
More than 200 online training courses, catering to both beginners and advanced users of AI, are available in Polish.
The legislation would also introduce an additional trading Sunday in December.