More than 200 online training courses, catering to both beginners and advanced users of AI, are available in Polish.

More than 200 online training courses, catering to both beginners and advanced users of AI, are available in Polish.
The legislation would also introduce an additional trading Sunday in December.
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It may have been one brought to Poland 25 years ago by a Pole living in the US who wanted to “enrich” his homeland’s wildlife.
The nuclear small modular reactors (SMRs) being developed by the group will be deployed in Poland by state energy firm Orlen.
His organisation has become known for driving vans with anti-LGBT images and slogans around Polish cities.
The 180-year-old oak, named Fabrykant, in Łódź was crowned as tree of the year at a ceremony in the European Parliament.
Almost all of Poland’s 1.2 million renewable energy micro-installations are solar panels.
“We will look very positively at a Polish request to fill in the gaps that have arisen,” says Britain’s armed forces minister.
The new legislation broadens the definition of domestic violence and expands measures to support victims and deal with perpetrators.
Radio Szczecin has been accused of helping publicly identify a 15-year-old sexual abuse victim who subsequently took his own life.
“We will not allow the image of a man whom the whole free world recognises as a pillar of victory over the empire of evil to be destroyed.”
The solution is to reinforce traditional values, including attending church, to help young people better distinguish between good and evil, he says.
The Behemoth frontman stamped on an image of the Virgin Mary.
“”We have survived the plagues of Egypt,” says the prime minister, referring to the impact of the pandemic and war in Ukraine.