Sales of amantadine boomed in Poland during the pandemic, and it was even recommended by a member of the government.

Sales of amantadine boomed in Poland during the pandemic, and it was even recommended by a member of the government.
One doctor says that over two years of pandemic-induced restrictions has left children’s immune systems more vulnerable.
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The education minister has ordered most children to learn online until the end of February.
The Supreme Audit Office criticised the education ministry for failing to provide comprehensive and consistent guidelines for remote learning.
Some have already withdrawn from the programme, citing difficulties meeting the requirements.
“If the government does not have a majority in a matter of key importance, it should resign,” says an opposition leader.
Poland is experiencing by far its highest ever numbers of infections.
Some patients with referrals are having to wait hours outside testing centres.
A government spokesman said they would seek to add opposition ideas to Covid legislation currently being considered by parliament.
The shift to remote classes coincides with the two-week winter school holidays.
Available hospital beds are to be increased and over 60s testing positive will be able to see a GP.
36,665 new cases were reported today, with some forecasts predicting the figure to pass 100,000 next month.
Almost 520,000 people died in Poland last year.
They are accused of charging between 100 and 1,000 zloty to around 100 people for fake documents, and could face prison sentences of one to 10 years.