The minister says the claims against him are “purely political” and intended to influence the election.

The minister says the claims against him are “purely political” and intended to influence the election.
Prosecutors have secured assets valued at more than 3.2 million zloty (€710,000), including gold bars, silver coins and large sums in cash.
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Sales of amantadine boomed in Poland during the pandemic, and it was even recommended by a member of the government.
One doctor says that over two years of pandemic-induced restrictions has left children’s immune systems more vulnerable.
The study found 44% of parents saying their children now spend more time in front of a computer or TV screen than before the pandemic.
The doctor reportedly plans to continue treating patients as a homeopath.
Poland’s population fell by 185,800, whereas most EU countries saw an increase.
Poland has spearheaded efforts by eastern member states.
The number of psychological counselling sessions for children and teenagers last year doubled compared to 2020.
The new measures go into force on Monday.
Limits on numbers in shops, restaurants and nightclubs will no longer apply from 1 March.
Sales of the amantadine have boomed during the pandemic despite no evidence that it helps in the treatment of COVID-19.
Police data show there were 1,496 suicide attempts by people aged up to 18 in Poland last year
Schools will reopen, isolation for infected people will be shorted, and quarantine requirements reduced.