Thomas Cook was founded in the UK in 1841 but fell into insolvency in 2019.

Thomas Cook was founded in the UK in 1841 but fell into insolvency in 2019.
The government intends to spend over 60 billion zloty (€14 billion) on the nuclear plant, covering 30% of its total costs.
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Renewables helped avoid the burning of 1,000 wagons of coal on Sunday.
The border has become an even more import route amid Russia’s blockade of Ukraine’s Black Sea ports.
“If it turns out the prime minister is not right, I am ready to drink together to his mistakes,” says Zbigniew Ziobro.
Over 35% of households in Poland use coal for heating, and soaring prices have raised concerns over energy poverty.
“We are also the main [supplier of] heavy weapons to Ukraine,” says President Duda.
Ukraine also says it can support Poland’s development of nuclear energy.
The nuns allegedly tied children to beds, locked them in cages, and beat them with a mop on a daily basis.
Dozens of demonstrators chanted “Russia without Putin”.
The deal amounts to almost 3 billion zloty (€650 million).
Almost two thirds of Poles are in favour of introducing same-sex partnerships or marriage equality, finds pollster Ipsos.
The University of Warsaw and the Jagiellonian University have both broken into the top 300 of the QS World University Ranking.
The new rules have made it less profitable for households to invest in solar panels, dragging demand down.