Collegium Intermarius claims it is being deliberately “destroyed” by the new government.

Collegium Intermarius claims it is being deliberately “destroyed” by the new government.
“The incidents revealed by the commission testify to the deliberate weakening of Poland’s security,” said its head.
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Radosław Sikorski claimed that Lech Kaczyński “greatly contributed to the Smolensk disaster”.
Almost all of Poland’s 1.2 million renewable energy micro-installations are solar panels.
The amount of money available per household will be doubled and eligible technologies will be expanded to include heat pumps and solar thermal collectors.
The ambassador’s comments were taken out of context, says the embassy.
The new legislation broadens the definition of domestic violence and expands measures to support victims and deal with perpetrators.
After meeting his Czech counterpart, Andrzej Duda said Poland would provide Ukraine with MiG fighter jets “in the coming days”.
The Russian spy network monitored arms shipments going through Poland to Ukraine and was also preparing actions to “paralyse” such deliveries.
Prices of food, transport and energy rose fastest.
The decision follows new claims that the future Pope John Paul II was negligent on the issue while serving as archbishop of Kraków.
“There is no consent for the destruction of the authority of Saint John Paul II,” said the CEO of state oil giant Orlen.
The law increases the number of polling stations and requires local authorities to provide free transport on polling day for elderly and disabled people.
The ship, named Lech Kaczyński, brought 70,000 tonnes of LNG – enough to cover the average weekly natural gas consumption of all households in Poland.