Critics say that such contracts are used by employers to reduce labour costs and that they put employees in precarious positions.

Critics say that such contracts are used by employers to reduce labour costs and that they put employees in precarious positions.
The church must understand “the harm suffered by certain brothers of ours”, says its delegate for the protection of children and young people.
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There are estimated to still be over one million Ukrainian refugees in Poland.
The decision follows cases of courts in other countries, including the Netherlands, questioning the independence of courts in Poland.
His words were criticised by the ruling PiS, but also by other opposition groups for entering a “bidding war” with PiS on anti-immigrant rhetoric.
“The most important message is that, if there is a threat to a woman’s health and life, the pregnancy should be terminated.”
The two rivals tied for the first time since the launch of the ranking in 2000.
This plan is clear: ‘No’ to the forced relocation of immigrants,” declared Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.
The arrival of Wagner forces in Belarus “could mark a new phase of hybrid warfare”, says Jarosław Kaczyński.
Prosecutors have secured assets valued at more than 3.2 million zloty (€710,000), including gold bars, silver coins and large sums in cash.
“The contract with BP could be potentially a starting point for further cooperation in the energy transition,” says Orlen’s CEO.
The soldier’s attorney has urged the ministry not to appeal the decision and cause the veteran “further suffering”.
The state Church Fund subsidises health insurance contributions of clergy and for the renovation of religious buildings.
The Wall Street Journal reported earlier that “Poland was the logistical hub for the Nord Stream blow-up operation”