“It really was just an unfortunate mistake,” says the late grandmother’s husband.

“It really was just an unfortunate mistake,” says the late grandmother’s husband.
Almost 5 million tonnes of food are wasted in Poland each year.
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The parties behind the bill deny that it will allow expropriation of private land to be used for wind farms.
The former president and Nobel Peace Prize winner calls the claims against him “terrible insults and monstrous lies”.
PiS accused the opposition of deliberately trying to bring down the value of the state-owned firm.
It is the first time since Eurostat’s records began that Poland’s savings rate has fallen below zero.
Poland is set to raise the issue of truckers’ demands in Brussels at EU Transport Council next week.
But the story ended in tragedy after his car broke down while he was travelling to the show’s grand final.
Kyiv has also begun the process of preparing to evacuate drivers, who are having to wait several days – often in sub-zero temperatures – to cross the border.
The Polish firm is reportedly planning to transport Venezuelan oil to China following the lifting of sanctions on Caracas.
The group allegedly monitored and planned to sabotage transports of aid to Ukraine.
The deal provides for the construction of a 600MW combined-cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power plant in central Poland.
The building was damaged during World War Two, when the German occupiers set the collections inside on fire.
The $445 million transaction will boost Orlen’s gas output in Norway by one-third.