Only 31% think it is best for Ukraine to “continue fighting and not make any concessions to Russia”.

Only 31% think it is best for Ukraine to “continue fighting and not make any concessions to Russia”.
Poland’s foreign minister says that it views Hungary’s decision as a “hostile act”.
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The measures will now be sent for approval by parliament, where the government has a majority.
Sławomir Mentzen of the far-right libertarian Confederation party says he will turn Poland into a “cryptocurrency haven”.
Aleks Szczerbiak
The PM wants to bolster his security narrative ahead of next year’s election, but it is a risky strategy.
PiS called it an attempt by the government to “eliminate the opposition” and “introduce an autocratic system”.
All available places on the course were filled within three days.
Poland last month ordered Russia to shut down the consulate and expelled the diplomats stationed there.
The government’s plenipotentiary for flood reconstruction admits that support for victims has been “insufficient”.
They demanded Russia’s withdrawal from Ukraine, the release of political prisoners in Russia, and for Vladimir Putin to be put on trial.
“AI is indispensable, both in the economic and security contexts, but it is crucial that it is used safely and responsibly,” says the defence minister.
Sochan was born in the United States to a Polish mother and represents Poland’s national basketball team.
“The US is fully committed to supporting Poland’s energy transformation.”
European hamsters are a critically endangered species whose range has declined 75% in Poland since the 1980s.