Krzysztof Gawkowski also called on the Ukrainian president to stop “pestering” Poland for more support.

Krzysztof Gawkowski also called on the Ukrainian president to stop “pestering” Poland for more support.
Eisenberg’s ancestors were Jews from Poland.
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Poland argues that it has a “unique” situation due to the migration crisis on its border with Belarus and its reception of Ukrainian refugees.
The measures aim to “restore the independence of the Constitutional Tribunal”.
The popularity of the scheme highlights the difficulties many Poles face in finding housing.
Alicja Ptak
Imports from Russia doubled in 2023 while those from Ukraine halved. But the former are still a small fraction of the latter.
Locals have rallied in support of Bar Lussi.
The milk bar, Żak, had been providing cheap, hearty, freshly made meals to locals for decades.
“The verdict will determine whether homeless animals will be a source of spare parts for other animals.”
Poland has also seen the bloc’s largest rise in consumer confidence over the last year.
It will make Poland the first country other than the US itself to use the system.
Tusk said Poland would also lobby for an embargo on agricultural products from Russia and Belarus.
Mateusz Morawiecki has admitted that pushing for the near-total abortion ban was a “mistake”.
Jeremy Druker
In this episode, we speak to Czech investigative journalist Ondřej Kundra about his latest reporting on Belarus,