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In this episode, Kafkadesk contributor Adrien Beauduin interviews political scientist Jiří Pehe, director of New York University Prague, about the recently concluded Czech presidential elections.

They analyse the long campaign and its stormy finish; look back on departing president Miloš Zeman’s legacy; and try to predict how his successor, former NATO general Petr Pavel, will govern, especially when it comes to foreign policy: the war in Ukraine, regional cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe, and relations with China.

In this podcast series we are looking at the region from different angles and perspectives, attempting to capture its diversity and understand emerging trends. Above all, we want to give voice to a region that is often talked to rather than listened to.

The VoiCEE is brought to you by a network of independent English-language media in Central and Eastern Europe: Notes from Poland, Kafkadesk, Insight Hungary, Internews Ukraine, New Eastern Europe, Reporting Democracy, Transitions, Ukraine World, VSquare.

You can find more content from our network here and follow us on Twitter.

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Podcast Producer: Ewa Dunal, Sounds and Stories

Main image credit: PrezidentPavel/Facebook

Adrien Beauduin is a Prague-based correspondent, a Central Europe and former Eastern bloc specialist, who studied political science and European affairs at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies in London, at Charles University in Prague and the College of Europe in Warsaw.


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