Poland’s largest opposition party, Civic Platform (PO), has faced criticism after one of its MPs attended parliament for a key vote just hours after announcing he had tested positive for COVID-19. The MP has also been accused of hypocrisy after previously criticising the government for relaxing quarantine rules.
PO, however, has defended its politician, Dariusz Rosati, saying that he had to come to parliament because there is no longer any possibility of voting remotely. They note that he wore a mask and kept his distance from other people.
On Tuesday morning, Rosati had tweeted an image of a positive Covid test and announced that, as a result, he would be unable to attend a debate on the 2023 budget and a confidence vote on justice minister Zbigniew Ziobro.
Dziś w Sejmie ważna debata o budżecie na 2023r i głosowania, w tym nad odwołaniem min. Ziobry. Niestety, muszę pozostać w domu (Covid), ale duchem i sercem wspieram Koleżanki i Kolegów z Koalicji Obywatelskiej, którzy na sali sejmowej walczą o praworządność i demokrację. pic.twitter.com/BX4VQ1JpCd
— Dariusz Rosati (@DariuszRosati) December 13, 2022
However, despite that declaration the MP did in fact turn up for the confidence vote, in which the opposition were seeking to oust Ziobro (though they ended up falling five votes short of the required majority).
A photo published by an MP from the far-right Confederation (Konfederacja) party showed Rosati standing in a mask on the floor of the Sejm, the lower house of Poland’s parliament house.
Panie Pośle @DariuszRosati czy to Pan jest teraz na sali plenarnej? pic.twitter.com/GCn5eeLRlw
— Krystian Kamiński 🇵🇱 (@K_Kaminski_) December 13, 2022
That prompted criticism from figures in the ruling national-conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party and from The Left (Lewica), the second-largest opposition group.
Health minister Adam Niedzielski described Rosati’s actions as “a fundamental lack of responsibility” that “put the health of all MPs and the entire government at risk”.
Elementarny brak odpowiedzialności! Narażać zdrowie wszystkich posłów i całego rzadu. Wstyd!!!https://t.co/EaByfCzmGs
— Adam Niedzielski (@a_niedzielski) December 13, 2022
PO and its allies in the Civic Coalition (KO) group, however, came to Rosati’s defence. They argued that current regulations do not prohibit MPs from participating in votes even if they are infected with coronavirus and noted that there is no longer an option of remote voting, which was available at the peak of the pandemic.
“There is no remote voting and the matter was an absolute priority,” said Katarzyna Lubnauer, a senior KO figure. “He behaved responsibly towards both his colleagues and Poland.”
“Our constituents expect from us that if someone has a cold – and this is how COVID is treated today – that they should be in the workplace,” Borys Budka, the head of KO’s parliamentary caucus, told news service Wirtualna Polska.
❗️Porażające tłumaczenie szefa klubu KO Borysa Budki ws. obecności @DariuszRosati z COVID-19 na głosowaniach w Sejmie.
– Nasi wyborcy oczekują od nas, że jeżeli ktoś jest przeziębiony, a tak traktowany jest dziś COVID, że ma być w miejscu pracy – mówi. @wirtualnapolska pic.twitter.com/npGxiy7xyY
— Patryk Michalski (@patrykmichalski) December 14, 2022
However, Anna-Maria Żukowska of The Left argued that “the law states that when someone is sick, they go to the doctor and get sick leave, [not go] to work.
A number of commentators also pointed to the incident as an example of hypocrisy from PO, who has often accused the ruling party of employing too lax a strategy in the fight against the pandemic.
Rosati himself, in January this year, criticised the government for shortening the period of compulsory quarantine, calling it a “complete withdrawal from the fight against the pandemic”.
Main photo credit: Krystian Kamiński/Twitter
Alicja Ptak is senior editor at Notes from Poland and a multimedia journalist. She previously worked for Reuters.