She was accused of offending religious feelings and maliciously interfering with the public performance of a religious act.

She was accused of offending religious feelings and maliciously interfering with the public performance of a religious act.
Offending religious feelings is a crime in Poland that carries a prison sentence of up to two years.
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“One must not succumb to the temptation to arouse hostility towards newcomers in the name of falsely understood patriotism or political calculations.”
The facility will produce enough green energy to meet the demand of over 1,200 households.
The state Church Fund subsidises health insurance contributions of clergy and for the renovation of religious buildings.
In another Polish city, no new priests were ordained at all for the first time since 1950.
It is “shameful that for decades we did not see the [victims’] suffering. Once again, I want to apologise for that”.
Women should “abandon men’s clothes” and embrace more “beautiful, feminine and dignified” outfits.
Katarzyna Skiba
A deeply religious country wrestles with its own identity.
Clergy can only speak to traditional media with the permission of their superior and are required to appear in ecclesiastical clothing.
The move came after the local Polish archbishop informed the judge that he was unable to make the documents available himself.
The priest responsible for the retreat admitted that the scene in question “crossed the boundary” and apologised to participants.
It is the second time Krzysztof Soroka has faced trial over the image, with a court last year finding him guilty.
Franciszek Blachnicki died in 1987 while in exile from communist Poland.