An investigation has been launched and the case will be reported to the police.

An investigation has been launched and the case will be reported to the police.
Aleks Szczerbiak
The issue has become a double-edged sword for PiS but could help mobilise its voters.
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There had been speculation as to whether Tusk would attend given that the station is under government influence.
“Poles! Let’s defeat this evil!!! We will win,” say the charity’s billboards.
Stanisław Żaryn claims that Donald Tusk is seeking to “manipulate” his followers into believing that defeat at elections could only come if the government falsifies the result.
Roman Broszkowski
After 23 years of alternating rule between the PiS and PO, many are frustrated.
A journalist who filmed the incident says the officers smashed her phone while she was recording.
Figures associated with Polish gaming giant CD Projekt have been the largest donors to the opposition Civic Platform (PO).
United Poland (Solidarna Polska) was found to have taken unlawful loans from private individuals.
Dozens of “family picnics” are being organised around Poland to promote the ruling party’s flagship child benefit policy.
“Poland must be stronger and safer. We must be a country where families live better than in the West,” says Jarosław Kaczyński.
The idea has been criticised by, among others, The Left, which points out that it does not fix the problem of a housing shortage.
Slogans such as “We want to get wet” are supposed to draw attention to natural areas in Wrocław that need protection.
Employees will get 1,000 zloty (€441) for being fully vaccinated and the same again once they receive a booster.