Over half of young Poles – who voted in record numbers last year – say they are disappointed.

Over half of young Poles – who voted in record numbers last year – say they are disappointed.
Last month the government decreed that healthcare providers who receive public funds are obliged to offer abortions.
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They are also increasingly opposed to the privileged relationship the Catholic church enjoys with the state, finds CBOS.
The defendents held a banner saying “Wypierdalać” (“Fuck off”), a common slogan at the demonstrations.
Agnieszka Wądołowska
The number of abortions has not declined, say doctors and NGOs.
Women’s rights activists have described the authorities’ actions as a “witch-hunt”.
The PiS chairman also discussed the government’s new economic programme and the prospects for his fraying coalition.
Two government ministers will attend the inauguration of the institution, which is closely linked to Ordo Iuris.
The Polish embassy wrote to the Czech health ministry.
The vehicle was parked outside a hospital in Warsaw.
They were produced using cell lines derived from aborted foetuses.
Anna Gmiterek-Zabłocka
Almost all legal abortion in Poland has now ended.
Poznań will give psychological and legal support to women carrying foetuses diagnosed with severe defects.
Poland’s main opposition party, PO, has announced its support for liberalising access to abortion.