PSL joined with the opposition to vote against it.

PSL joined with the opposition to vote against it.
The proposed law would decriminalise the act of helping a woman obtain an illegal abortion.
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Protesters have blamed her death on the abortion law, but conservatives point to doctor error.
The decision was prompted by the recent death of a pregnant woman in a Polish hospital, which many have blamed on the near-total abortion ban.
Many blamed the death on Poland’s new near-total ban on abortion.
After protests followed news of the death of Izabela in Pszczyna, other similar cases have come to light.
Only 10% support the current law, while 5% would like it to be restricted even further.
The near-total ban on abortion means it is now “prosecutors, not doctors, that guide pregnancies”, says the opposition leader.
She died after doctors reportedly first waited for her foetus, which had birth defects, to die.
The woman died after doctors reportedly waited for her foetus to die.
The constitutional court ruling has not reduced the number of abortions, just made them more difficult and dangerous, say women’s rights groups.
She was found to have pushed, kicked and punched officers.
She could face jail if found guilty of damaging a monument and pouring paint on a police officer.
“Access to abortion is a fundamental right that every democratic state must ensure,” says the Belgian secretary of state for gender equality.