The measures include allowing the government to temporarily suspend the right to claim asylum.

The measures include allowing the government to temporarily suspend the right to claim asylum.
“Stop speculating in any world capital about a possible defeat of Ukraine,” said the Polish prime minister.
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The number of female senators, however, has fallen from 24 to 17.
Sunday’s elections left the ruling party with no obvious way of forming the parliamentary majority needed to govern.
Marcin Wolski says that a “Stalinist logic” dominated at TVP.
It is “the end of an era”, says the German minority’s outgoing MP.
There remains uncertainty over whether the president will give the ruling party or opposition the first opportunity to form a government.
The ruling party “enjoyed a clear advantage through its undue influence over the use of state resources and the public media”.
Under electoral rules, the committee must remain at the polling station until the results are accepted
Law and Justice (PiS): 35.38%; Civic Coalition (KO): 30.70%; Third Way (Trzecia Droga): 14.40%; The Left (Lewica): 8.61%; Confederation (Konfederacja): 7.16%.
Daniel Tilles
What have we learned from what appears to have been a successful opposition campaign?
Agata Pyka
Overseas voters said they were motived to change the government.
Poland’s stock market recorded its strongest post-election opening.
Alicja Ptak
How Poles voted overall, as well as by age, gender, level of education and place of residence.