He wants Andrzej Duda to apologise for “unlawful interference with his right, as a citizen of Poland, to live in a democratic state governed by the rule of law”.

He wants Andrzej Duda to apologise for “unlawful interference with his right, as a citizen of Poland, to live in a democratic state governed by the rule of law”.
They argue that the EU’s Green Deal will “destroy” the Polish economy, causing particular harm to farmers and industrial workers.
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Ten people have been indicted for their role in the alleged scheme, including leading figures in the local Red Cross.
Monika Prończuk
We take a look at the six candidates hoping to become Polish president in May 2020.
Politicians respond after gay presidential candidate’s partner called “first lady”.
Amid mounting EU pressure, a rally in Warsaw showcases support for the controversial reforms.
Aleks Szczerbiak
PSL is seeking a niche for itself between the ruling national conservatives and liberal-left opposition.
Poland is sluggish in reducing coal generation, as it relies heavily on Russian imports.
Duda’s remarks contrast to the anti-LGBT rhetoric of the ruling party, but echo similar statements he has made in the past.
Ewa Siedlecka
A change in how members of the electoral commission are selected means the majority are now political nominees.
A roundup of Brexit reaction, which was mostly regretful but celebratory on the far right.
Monika Bičkauskaitė
The French president’s visit could bring an opening in security, climate and nuclear energy talks.
The church has recorded the biggest drop in trust since 2017.
Meanwhile, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) has added Poland to its rule-of-law monitoring procedure.