Only non-EU states such as Belarus, Turkey and Russia were rated lower than Poland.

Only non-EU states such as Belarus, Turkey and Russia were rated lower than Poland.
In recent weeks, Poland has “thwarted planned attempts at direct action, including sabotage and attempted arson”, said Donald Tusk.
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At least ten people were in the chapel, but religious services are currently limited to five attendees.
Many MPs argued that today’s session should itself have been held remotely.
Piotr Trudnowski
Doing so would raise a number of difficult legal questions and have big political consequences.
A new poll echoes previous ones showing PiS’s judicial reforms having more opponents than supporters.
Three new polls show a big majority in favour of postponement.
Daniel Tilles
Holding elections would risk both public health and the health of democracy.
Poland has introduced some of the toughest measures in Europe, and polls suggest the public approves.
Adam Traczyk
Russia and China are exploiting the epidemic to undermine the EU. Unfortunately, they are finding support in Poland.
The speaker has faced criticism for taking a skiing holiday in Italy in the midst of the crisis.
Aleks Szczerbiak
The incumbent is favourite to win reelection, but it will be a closely fought and unpredictable campaign.
Other measures include sanitary checks at borders and exempting high-alcohol spirits from excise duty.
The law would introduce state-funded abortion on demand, compulsory sex education, and prescription-free morning-after pills.