Andrzej Duda argued that Silesian is a dialect of Polish and not a language in itself. He also cited national security concerns.

Andrzej Duda argued that Silesian is a dialect of Polish and not a language in itself. He also cited national security concerns.
“This is a shocking picture of how the state functions and how public money is spent,” said justice minister Adam Bodnar.
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Allies say Szumowski has been the victim of unjust opposition “attacks”.
Ziobro wants a “permanent support mechanism” for districts “harassed” by the EU.
Piotr Trudnowski
There is never a good time for such a decision, but it would benefit the state.
It also found that 11% of men believe that “rape in marriage does not exist”.
The president and prime minister will also see their salaries double.
“It is our duty to provide people who fought for our freedom and independence with a dignified standard of living.”
Percy Metcalfe
The detention of an activist has highlighted a new, more radical approach.
Much of the illegally disposed of waste if imported for processing from abroad.
“We no longer recognise ourselves in this Europe of growing hostility towards Christian faith and domination of gender ideology.”
Some NGOs work on behalf of of foreign lobby groups and states, say the authors.
They are accused of offending religious feelingsand insulting monuments.
Polish government launched tourist voucher scheme to boost the domestic tourism industry and support families.