Mateusz Morawiecki issued an order for the 2020 presidential elections to be conducted entirely by post.

Mateusz Morawiecki issued an order for the 2020 presidential elections to be conducted entirely by post.
Poland’s current rape law – which dates back to 1932 – deems it a crime only if there was force, unlawful threats or deception.
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Figures from both the government and opposition have called for strong action.
Complying with the ruling would threaten Poland’s energy security and benefit Germany, they argue.
The Czech government has accused Poland of violating European environmental law.
Among the 5% of MEPs to vote against the resolution, most were from PiS.
Wojciech Maksymowicz has become the first MP from the United Right to join Szymond Hołownia’s Poland 2050.
Negotiations with the health ministry have collapsed.
Przemysław Czarnek also called for history lessons to teach “pride” instead of “shame” about Poland’s past.
Mateusz Morawiecki spoke in support of the more progressive tax system the government is planning.
Stanley Bill
A new economic plan reinvigorates the ruling coalition and puts the divided opposition on the back foot.
Civic Platform has seen one senior figure quit this week and two others appeal against their expulsion.
The mare has not been returned to Poland after being leased to Saudi Arabia.
In theory all TV and radio owners should pay a licence fee in Poland, but in practice less than 8% of households do.