The ECR, which is the third largest group in the EP, is dominated by PiS and Giorgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy.

The ECR, which is the third largest group in the EP, is dominated by PiS and Giorgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy.
Opposition MPs, however, claim to have confirmed that the cuts were proposed by the defence ministry.
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His words were applauded by party colleagues in parliament.
They argue that Poland’s development of nuclear power will span several parliamentary terms and requires collaboration between parties.
Just 36% of Poles trust TVP, while 46% distrust it.
The prime minister and ruling party chairman say that a new government economic programme will help Poland catch up.
The remarks from sparked anger from the Polish right.
The “Swedish Deluge” of 1655-60 caused huge damage in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
The Republic Party was given the blessing of Jarosław Kaczyński, who attended and spoke at its launch.
Mayor Rafał Trzaskowski was in attendance for the second time.
Marek Jędraszewski was leading a mass at Wawel Cathedral to mark the 72nd anniversary of the twins’ birth.
The programme aims to protect parents at workplace and provide housing, care and financial incentives.
The German president visited Warsaw to mark the 30th anniversary of a treaty between the two countries.
Grzegorz Makowski
Some 72% of Poles believe corruption is a major problem and 37% that it has worsened in the last year.