The decision was criticised by leading politicians, including President Andrzej Duda.

The decision was criticised by leading politicians, including President Andrzej Duda.
NGOs have protested against the legislation, which they say gives officers a “licence to kill”.
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“Our citizens are often defenceless in the fight against internet giants,” says a minister.
“Polish society is much more ready to accept LGBT families than politicians believe,” says the organisation behind the campaign.
Aleks Szczerbiak
The government’s polling numbers have risen while the opposition has struggled to establish a clear response.
Friday saw a record number of attempted illegal crossings.
Poland has banned the media and NGOs from its border with Belarus, where it has been pushing migrants back across the frontier.
Rafał Ziemkiewicz was denied entry to the UK due to “conduct and views which are at odds with British values”.
Poland wants to reach a deal over a spat that is costing it €500,000 a day in fines.
Opposition MPs criticised the government for pushing children back across the border; the interior minister called them “irresponsible and foolish”.
The Supreme Audit Office found that 280 million zloty was misspent and has issued five notifications about potential crimes.
Around two thirds of Polish opposition supporters do not regularly attend church, while four fifths of government voters do.
The group pleaded outside a border guard station to be allowed to remain in Poland.
“They have not found anything serious” but are trying to “create an atmosphere of danger”, says the former head of the Foreign Intelligence Agency.