The conflict reportedly centres around the new wife of billionaire Zygmunt Solorz, one of Poland’s richest people.

The conflict reportedly centres around the new wife of billionaire Zygmunt Solorz, one of Poland’s richest people.
“Facebook has gone to war with the Polish media,” says the editor-in-chief of a leading news website.
We are an independent, nonprofit media outlet, funded through the support of our readers.
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But the future of TVN still remains in doubt as parliament considers legislation to restrict foreign media ownership.
A ban on reporting from the Belarus border and a proposed media ownership law add to concerns over press freedom in Poland, says RSF.
Amnesty International and Reporters Without Borders have commented on the treatment of reporters in the border emergency zone.
Poland’s largest private broadcaster says Antoni Macierewicz is “disseminating false information”.
The bill is seen to be aimed in particular at American-owned broadcaster TVN.
The signatories criticise the actions of the government and call for an intervention from international public opinion.
The latest developments have raised further concern over government influence.
TVN, which is owned by Discovery, Inc., is disliked by PiS for its often critical coverage of the government.
Norway’s Oil Fund owns a minority stake in Orlen, the Polish state firm that has bought hundreds of newspapers.
Just 36% of Poles trust TVP, while 46% distrust it.
Orlen is responding to a court decision to suspend its purchase of hundreds of media outlets.
The open letter calls on the authorities to support the release of human rights activists in Belarus.