The government will later this month present a plan for countering such efforts.

The government will later this month present a plan for countering such efforts.
The 240 mines travelled around Poland on a train for 10 days unsecured before being located.
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The ruling party leader called on Poles to “fight, fight and fight again” to resist the EU’s plans.
Among their pledges are reversing PiS’s judicial reforms, overturning the near-total abortion ban, depoliticising public media, and separating church and state.
Images of the goats’ big day out went viral in Poland this week.
Forgotten Love (Znachor) is on track to be be among Netflix’s most successful ever non-English titles.
Of the 105 anti-LGBT resolutions introduced in 2019 and 2020, currently only 15 remain in force.
“There is no place for any forms of hate speech or violence at the Medical University of Warsaw,” says its rector.
“We are here to let Israel know that it will not be alone,” said Marian Turski, a 97-year-old Auschwitz survivor.
The new rules increase the distance between blocks on neighbouring plots and set requirements for playgrounds and green spaces.
Poland having one of Europe’s lowest fertility rates.
“We are dealing with external forces that use formations that operate in Poland and present themselves as Polish.”
Poland produces around 70% of its electricity from coal but has plans to replace that with renewables and nuclear.
The number of female senators, however, has fallen from 24 to 17.