Jakub Jaraczewski
The government has invoked the emergency measure for 30 days.

Jakub Jaraczewski
The government has invoked the emergency measure for 30 days.
Michał Piekarski
What’s behind a surge in attempted migrant crossings and violence towards Polish officers?
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Agata Pyka
Wbrew doniesieniom polskich mediów, holenderski parlament nie przyjął takich przepisów.
Agata Pyka
Contrary to Polish media reports, the Dutch parliament did not pass any such new law
Mateusz Piątkowski
Why is Poland demanding reparations, does it have a valid legal case, and what will happen next?
Sławomir Dębski
The weakening of US leadership could have huge consequences for Poland, one of the biggest beneficiaries of Pax Americana.
Aleksandra Pulchny
An expert explains the humanitarian and legal situation amid a surge in crossings at the border.
Agnieszka Wądołowska
Including lightning bolts, umbrellas and the cryptic ***** ***.
Maria Wilczek
We ask ultraconservative legal group Ordo Iuris, Poland’s human rights Commissioner Adam Bodnar and other experts about the Istanbul Convention.
Daniel Tilles
Why has this issue suddenly reappeared and how will it impact the election?
Anna Wójcik
“Old” and “new” judges, appointed before and after the government’s judicial overhaul, are in dispute.
Hanna Szukalska
Stories of patients and doctors from inside Poland’s broken mental health system.
Pierwsza Prezes Sądu Najwyższego podsumowuje kadencję w rozmowie z Notes from Poland.
“I wasn’t prepared for a battle,” says the outgoing chief justice.