The firm rejected such criticism, arguing it “has posted robust operating performance” in a difficult macroeconomic environment.

The firm rejected such criticism, arguing it “has posted robust operating performance” in a difficult macroeconomic environment.
The financing will be used to expand renewable energy connections and introduce smart grid technology.
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Alicja Ptak
The war in Ukraine has further stoked demand.
The Polish government says it will not support “Fit for 55”, the EU’s flagship programme to cut emissions.
Poland’s grid operator ordered solar and wind facilities to be disconnected temporarily from the system.
The provincial governor argues that the plans – in which older cars would be banned from the city of Kraków – would “interfere with constitutional rights and freedoms”.
Poland is by far the EU’s biggest importer of LPG, despite the government ending other Russian energy imports.
“Poland needs new energy solutions to protect itself from Russian influence, meet climate commitments and drive economic development,” says the US ambassador.
Poland had Europe’s fastest-growing market for heat pumps last year.
Poland’s municipal recycling rate of 40.3% in 2021 was over three times higher than a decade earlier, though still below the EU average.
The system was supposed to be introduced this year but has still not been approved by the government.
The value of Poland’s exports in the battery sector increased from around 1 billion zloty in 2017 to 38.6 billion zloty (€8.24 billion) in 2022.
Almost two thirds of all Russian liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) imported to the EU last year was bought by Poland.
By 2040, 51% of Poland’s electricity would come from renewables and almost 23% from nuclear.