The financing “underscores the United States’ steadfast commitment to Poland’s security”, says the State Department.

The financing “underscores the United States’ steadfast commitment to Poland’s security”, says the State Department.
The decision was made in retaliation for Poland’s closure of a Russian consulate last month.
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The ruling party has its strongest support smaller, more rural communities.
The Polish agriculture minister says a deal could soon be reached that would ease the transit of Ukrainian grain through Poland.
The firm denies claims it has artificially lowered prices to help the government’s re-election bid.
Zbigniew Ziobro called it an “assault on freedom of expression” and announced that he would appeal.
Though it says that TVP remains a “propaganda” tool for the government, PO acknowledges that it must reach out to a wider range of voters.
The new solar facility covers an area equivalent to 375 football pitches and will generate enough energy to power more than 100,000 households.
The government hopes to replace half of the one million coal-fired boilers still in use in buildings containing multiple dwellings by 2030.
In 2022, Poles worked 40.4 hours a week on average, compared to 37.5 hours a week across the EU as a whole.
Analysts believe state energy giant Orlen has been lowering prices at petrol stations to help the ruling party win re-election.
Despite initial plans for the first cars to be produced in 2023, a factory site has not yet even been secured.
The wind farm is expected to provide clean energy to 1.5 million Polish households by 2026.
Some photographs showing Edgar K. – a man charged over the visa scandal – alongside the deputy foreign minister have also been deleted.