The video, filmed in the style of an action thriller, depicts the fictional interrogation of former PiS deputy minister Marcin Romanowski.

The video, filmed in the style of an action thriller, depicts the fictional interrogation of former PiS deputy minister Marcin Romanowski.
The change, opposed by the Catholic church, will come into force at the start of the new school year in September.
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With a capacity of 133 MW, the project will be one of the biggest in Poland.
The opposition says the way in which the case was handled “brings international shame on Poland”.
Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, imports to the EU of timber supposedly from Kazakhstan have risen 325-fold in value.
Adam Glapiński has dismissed the accusations against him as “idiotic”.
“There is no room” in the budget because of increased defence spending, says the finance minister.
However, there is no consensus within the ruling coalition to lift the Sunday trading ban.
Alicja Ptak
Przemysław Wipler is seen as a relative moderate among more radical figures in his far-right group.
Polish farmers have been protesting since last month against EU green policies and agricultural imports from Ukraine.
Allegro also plans to launch own-brand platforms in Hungary, Slovenia and Croatia.
The company has lost about 11 billion zloty in market capitalisation and ended the day with an almost 36% drop in share prices.
One of the mayor’s rivals accused him of digging up long-forgotten investment plans ahead of the elections.
Alicja Ptak
We speak with Tobiasz Bocheński about his vision for the capital.