Among its proposals are ending catechism classes in public schools and renegotiating the concordat between Poland and the Vatican.

Among its proposals are ending catechism classes in public schools and renegotiating the concordat between Poland and the Vatican.
The mercenaries will help migrants cross into Poland and may even enter disguised as migrants, says Morawiecki.
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MonumentApp offers ready-made sightseeing tour plans on a variety of themes and interests.
The Council of Europe’s experts found the law to be “fundamentally flawed” and a threat to this year’s elections.
Poland has expanded – on paper at least – after the introduction of new rules that include parts of the Baltic Sea as Polish territory.
Staff from Woliński National Park are searching for Kamyk the three-legged wolf following his escape.
Marian Banaś denied that appearing alongside far-right leader Sławomir Mentzen compromises the audit office’s independence.
The church marks the feast day of St Christopher – patron saint of transport and travel – with a road-safety campaign.
The countries have set up dams to stop the flow of dead fish down the river.
Dozens of “family picnics” are being organised around Poland to promote the ruling party’s flagship child benefit policy.
“Polish taxpayer cannot pay for German garbage,” says Poland’s climate minister.
Journals devoted to theology are now valued as highly as leading international titles such as Science, Nature and The Lancet.
In many cases dishes contained meats different from those advertised.
One fearful local resident told police they had seen a “dinosaur”.