A deputy finance minister says that the government is “listening carefully” to local authorities and ready to discuss the issue with them

A deputy finance minister says that the government is “listening carefully” to local authorities and ready to discuss the issue with them
A middle-class tax allowance will be withdrawn, business owners’ healthcare contributions changed, and a preferential system for single parents restored.
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Aleks Szczerbiak
PiS’s support has been dented by an accumulation of problems.
Marcin Makowski
The programme was supposed to breathe new life into the ruling coalition and carry them into the next elections.
After the government’s tax reforms went into force this month, teachers reported receiving lower salaries for January.
The government says its “Polish Deal” will boost development, but some business leaders claim it will hit the middle class.
“It is important that society does not stratify,” says Tadeusz Kościński.
Mateusz Morawiecki also hailed the fact that already many Polish emigrants have chosen to return to their homeland.
A more progressive system will cut tax for low-earners but increase health contributions and raise corporate tax for big businesses.
The funds will serve to modernise equipment and raise salaries.
The prime minister says Poland will reach a “European standard of living” with the reforms.
Aleks Szczerbiak
Despite losing its majority, PiS should still be able to gain enough support.
Anna Rzhevkina
Prices are growing at one of the fastest rates in the EU, and could be further stoked by the government’s economic plan.
The government will raise the tax-free allowance on income, introduce new child benefits, and offer subsidies for homebuyers.