Poland’s relative defence spending – already the highest in NATO – will rise to to 4.7% of GDP in 2025.

Poland’s relative defence spending – already the highest in NATO – will rise to to 4.7% of GDP in 2025.
The city authorities have blamed the longstanding former mayor, who left office in May.
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The prime minister insists he has been successful in clinching a agreement that protects Poland’s interests.
“That is how the Soviet system looked: fictional independence when in actual fact there was dependence, exploitation and neo-colonialism.”
“When we entered the European Union, we agreed on certain rules of the game,” said Michał Wójcik.
“A European oligarchy that punishes the weaker is not the EU that we joined,” declared Mateusz Morawiecki.
Poland cannot accept a “radical reduction of sovereignty”, says Zbigniew Ziobro.
The new rules come in place at the start of 2021.
The new levies are expected to bring in 3 billion zloty annually.
Income has been revised down by 37 billion zloty, while expenditure is up by 73 billion zloty.
The final deal also dropped demands for Poland to sign up to climate goals in exchange for green transition funds.
The EU’s proposed coronavirus fund and budget are both favourable to Poland, which has welcomed the package.
Meanwhile, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) has added Poland to its rule-of-law monitoring procedure.
PiS wants to abolish the upper limit on social-insurance (ZUS) contributions from high earners, but faces opposition from a coalition partner.