Two days earlier, parliament gave initial approval to legislation that would soften Poland’s strict abortion laws.

Two days earlier, parliament gave initial approval to legislation that would soften Poland’s strict abortion laws.
But he warns this could only happen by changing the constitution.
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Stanley Bill talks with feminist activist Agnieszka Graff about the mass protests against the recent abortion ruling in Poland.
The head of Poland’s Catholic episcopate also rejected President Duda’s “compromise” abortion bill.
Improvements to healthcare, respect for LGBT rights, creating a secular state and protecting the climate are among their postulates.
A large majority are opposed to the constitutional court’s anti-abortion ruling.
Agnieszka Wądołowska
Including lightning bolts, umbrellas and the cryptic ***** ***.
Firms are allowing staff to join a general strike and are supporting women’s organisations.
Andrzej Duda says his proposal would implement the court ruling but maintain the essence of the current law.
Education minister also threatens to cut funding for universities supporting protests.
The ruling party leader also called on followers to defend churches.
“If necessary, we will crush them to dust and destroy this revolution,” says a far-right leader.
Tens of thousands have joined the demonstrations.
Luca Aliano
A court ruling that introduces a near total ban on abortion has sparked protests across the country.